Další název/názvy: NEWSREEL 24
Žánr: Newsreel
Rok: 1941
Minutáž: 00:09:09
Popis: "I. Sofia. The new Japanese Plenipotentiary Minister Akira Yamaji arrives for an audience with King Boris III. // II. The ruins of the ancient town of Philippi. Remains of Christian basilica from 6th century AD. Ruins of a Roman temple and forum. // III. Kindergarten in the village of Nadezhda, near Sofia. Children enter the building, put on aprons. They play, eat and sleep. The children leave the building, escorted by the teacher. // IV. Western Thrace. Fishing station near Porto Lago. Fishermen throw nets in the water. They pull the nets to the shore and load the fish in chests, then load the chests on a trolley. // V. Tyrolean dance ensemble ""Tobias Reiser"" visits Bulgaria. They dance at the square of Gorna Banya village."
Klíčová slova: общественополитически събития / археология, култура / образование / social and political events / archaeology / culture / education
Poskytovatel: Bulgarian National Film Archive
Práva: In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted / Bulgarian National Film Archive
Produkční společnost: Bulgarsko Delo
Barva: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Typ dokumentu:
Sbírka: Pre-Socialist Newsreels
Language: bg